Friday, September 27, 2013

Modern Vintage Shoot / My First Official Book Cover !!!

I recently have decided to switch gears from the Fashion world into doing Book Cover Photography.
Although I do plan on doing some fashion still and bringing my experience with it into the book covers I do. Book covers allow me to combine my love of reading, photographing people and creating photo- illustrations, I am super excited to start on this new creative endeavor.

Recently I did a shoot in Ypsilanti with Kelly Kirstein and her Fiancée' James, the clothing was provided by the Peacock Room and the red dress was made by Stop Staring! clothing.
Stop Staring!  ended up featuring the shoot on their blog and Facebook so please check out the post if you get a chance, I was so honored!
Anyways for this shoot I wanted it to have a modern-vintage quality to it while maintaining a story-like feel. I shot this for my mock-book cover portfolio I have been working on this Summer and this shoot was lucky enough to catch the eye of  Kate Roth. She is the author of "The Low Notes"  (great book btw) decided to use one of my photos for her book coming out in 2014  "Changing Keys".
I am so excited and so honored that Kate Roth will be publishing my image and that Stop Staring! promoted my work on their blog!

The image below with be the cover image for  "Changing Keys" 2014, along with the images featured on Stop Staring! blog. Check out the rest of the shoot  and other images on my FB page, Lindee Robinson Photography  thanks for taking the time to read my first blog post !