Sunday, June 1, 2014

"Rock Me"

Its been a while since I did a blog post, but I am so excited about this one!
This past week Alla Kar not only had her cover reveal for "Rock Me" but it was her 
ebook release as well. I was so excited when Alla asked me to do this cover for her, this will be my 3rd cover I have done for Alla , its also apart of the same series as the "Play Me" cover I did last January and I might be redoing her "Teach Me " cover as well. Alla Kar is a dream to work with, she is such a open and go with the flow kinda of client and friend, also I am a huge fan of her books so to be able to talk to her about her characters and ideas is super surreal.

For "Rock Me", its pretty obviously about a rocker, but its also about a girl who is just coming out of her shell and developing as a character, so we wanted to show that growth with the images as well. I got to work with the wonderful Dan Tillery again, who is an actual very talented musician, check out his music on Sound Cloud! I also got the chance to work with Mikeala Galli again, she always makes shooting so easy, and I defiantly think she has a great look for covers.

Here are some of the teasers I did for the series:

I had so much fun doing this shoot, and I cannot wait to work with Alla again!
I am currently Reading "Rock Me" and I gotta say its my favorite book of hers thus far.
Make sure to get your copy today while its still on sale or add it to your TBR on GoodReads, and defiantly spread the word.

As always thank you for taking the time out to read my post and if you would like to see more of my work follow me on my Facebook page Lindee Robinson Photography.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"Beyond the Armor" -Crane Dress

My wonderful and super talented friend Bridget Sullivan was selected to compete in a local design completion put on by Detroit Institute of Arts and the Detroit Garment Guild. The garments are inspired by the "Beyond the Armor" Samurai exhibit at the DIA.
When Bridget asked me to photograph her dress before she submitted it I was so happy to help her out with this. I wanted to showcase her inspiration by creating strong , yet still delicate pictures that would do the dress justice and represent her Crane inspiration as well. We decided to incorporate ballet into the shoot because it very much represents a strong and delicate art as well. 
We couldn't have done it with out our very talented model Destiny Mankowski,
and an amazing team of people! We also got to collaborate with The Peacock Room, and they provided the perfect jewelry for the shoot!

I also enjoyed experimenting with some conceptual photography for this dress mainly because I thought it suit this very fine-art based fashion competition and also because I wanted to experiment with a few new techniques.
Please help support Bridget and myself by taking a minute to Vote for her dress #8 in this design competition. Voting last til the 12th of May and the Fashion is at the DIA on the 17th.
Also if you want to know about how she made the Crane dress visit Bridget's blog in the link below, and thanks again for stopping by my blog!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

"Little Things"

I have been so swamped lately I have to catch up on some of my blog posts! I have been very fortunate to get the opportunity to collaborate with such amazing authors and I am so excited to have a lot more book covers coming up! 
I recently had the privallge of working on a wonderful debut author's book cover,
Madison Street's "Little Things".
I was so excited to work on a Romantic Suspense cover, I absolutely love books with a little bit of suspense and intense emotions, it was fun to bring that out in a cover.

I actually shot this cover in my town house on a black background, and even though it was a little cramped it ended up working out just how I envisioned it. I wanted to do something a little more powerful and emotional for the cover since (the female character) Raya goes through so much to the point where she becomes almost numb, until Duke
( the male character) breaks through her wall and shows her the
"Little Things" that are worth living for...
Megan George is always a dream to work with, but this time she really brought a lot of beautiful emotion the shoot and I couldn't have been happier with her acting. I also got the opportunity to work with actor/ model Garrett Thierry, he is the kind of person that is so excited about what he does and is defiantly going places!

Working with Madison Street on this project was so much fun, she is so sweet and always open to ideas and creativity. Even though this is her first book she has been working in this industry for awhile now and I am so excited to help bring her 1st book to life! I also got to collaborate on the typography with the wonderful Danielle Styles, who helps me out so much and is always up for a new design challenge.
Defiantly add "Little Things" to your TBR on Goodreads and  check out the Teasers I made above and below. The book is scheduled to Release in May 2014!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, if you want to see more of my work Please "Like" my Lindee Robinson Photography page on Facebook!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Highland Series Book One

Today is the Release day for the 1st book in the Highland Series " The Tartan MP3 Player"!
I am actually doing 3 books for this series and just finished the second cover this past weekend, I will be shooting the 3rd cover next month. C.A. Szarek has been a dream to work with and I loved bringing her vision to life, with the help of the wonderful model Michele LaMontagne.
I also had the help of my good friend Danielle Styles with Logo and Cover Design.
I am super excited about branching out and doing  book covers that are in the Historical Romance/ Fantasy genre, I am also doing composites for all of these book covers. Since she wanted the backgrounds to relate to the story in the book we found image that suited her settings, then I shot the model to match the background and composited it using photoshop. I really enjoying doing composites and utilizing my illustration/ retouching background, and I really hope to do more fantasy book once I am done with this series.
Also check out some of this Awesome swag C.A. Szarek sent me, she should have some like it at her signings!

Keep an eye out for the other 2 books and add them to your TBR list on Goodreads, they will be coming out soon!!! Defiantly get your ebook copy today of  " The Tartan MP3 Player"! ( paperback will be out soon) 
Thanks for checking out my work and if you want to see more "Like" my Facebook page Lindee Robinson Photography

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Livin' Vintage ( Cinemagraphs 2012)

So I never really got to posts my Cinemagraphs I did for one of my Senior Projects in 2012, and I  came across them on my external drive the other night... So even though they are almost 2 years old I wanted to post them. It was defiantly a tricky process to learn and required a lot of foresight and work in post production, but I still Loved how they turned out for my first try at them. I might decide to do another fashion series of them in the Summer... Enjoy!!!
(Look closely, and make sure to Click on the pictures to make them bigger!)

Clothing and Props Provided by: Livin' Vintage
Models: Dominika, Melanie, & Conner 
Make-up: Melissa Whitt Mua
 Hair: Stein McGee
Check out  Lindee Robinson Photography to see more of my work!!!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

"Play Me"

I was so excited when Alla Kar asked me to do her next book cover "Play Me" for her Love Me series, it was so much fun working with her on the "Stroke of Fear" cover, and its such an honor because I am totally addicted to her books!
But man, this shoot defiantly had its challenges, but luckily everything came together in the end. At first I struggled to find a locker room to shoot in, it was a lot harder than I thought... but luckily my friend and fellow photographer Peter, who teaches at  Michigan Extreme Combat Sports, was able to help me out with the location. Their gym is so awesome, and the family that runs it is so nice, I really hope I get the opportunity to shoot there again!
Then the day of the shoot, as many of you may know of all the crazy weather up here in Michigan and all over, the male model got stuck in a snow storm the night before and couldn't make it... So I found a back-up male model. Unfortunately, the back up ended up getting pretty sick right before the shoot and I really started to scramble. Luckily, the back-up's little brother was able to do it and fit the character as well, so Nick Margetic saved the day!  Nick and Megan George were so great together and I am super happy that everything ended up working out. As a photographer a lot of times you end up being a problem solver and you really have to think on your feet. Sometimes in a situation like this I might reschedule, but the book was releasing the following weekend so it was really a Tim Gun "Make it work" moment.
I also got the opportunity to work with my good friend Danielle Styles on Cover design again, I love working with her because I feel like we are always on the same page creatively, and she has a clean but unique style. In post I added the tattoo to make Nick more like his character, I tired to make it look as natural as possible, and hopefully made a few of you question whether it was real or not.
 In addition to the Cover I also created some promos to go along with the book:

The Cover Reveal and Book Release were both on January 31st, so no need to wait for it, the ebook is LIVE on Amazon Now!!! Also Make sure to add it to your TBR List on GoodReads.
Also a huge thanks to Love Between the Sheets for Hosting the Cover Reveal, Book Release and Giveaway!
If you want to see more of my work make sure to "Like" my

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So, in honor of the Release of "Friend is a Four Letter Word" I wanted to do a blog a little bit about my experience creating this cover/ promo package for Steph Campbell.
Steph was recommended to me by Allie Brennan, a mutual friend, when she couldn't find exactly what she was looking for in stock photography. From day one I felt like Steph and me clicked creativity, and like we were on the same page with the concept. 
Once we established the mood, setting, and ideas I contacted the models she wanted for the cover. Steph loved Chad Feyrer & Madison Wayne, who I had done a portfolio shoot with previously, they are absolutely awesome together and so professional, its honestly a dream working with the two of them! I think a shoot like this could get really raunchy really fast, but since I am not a huge fan of that and that's not what Steph's novel is about,  I did my best to try to keep it classy while still maintaining the chemistry between the characters in her story.
I was so glad that once Steph saw the proofs she felt like I brought her story to life and she ending up choosing my favorite image for the cover!!!
 I was also very lucky to collaborate with a good friend of mine from college, Danielle Styles,
 on the typography and Cover Design. She has an very clean but unique approach and it ended up being just what Steph wanted for her cover.
Thank you so much to everyone who helped bring this cover to life,
I couldn't have done it with out you! Also working with Steph Campbell was such an amazing experience, she is so sweet and very humble, I am so glad I got the opportunity to work with her and I cannot wait to collaborate with her on future projects!!!

 Above are some of the Teasers I created for Steph Campbell's
"Friend is a Four Letter Word", and below are some of the Promo pictures.
 "Friend is a Four Letter Word", is out on ebook/ Amazon today so make sure to One-Click your copy or add it to you To-Read List on GoodReads!!!
Also if you want to follow my work Please "Like" my page Lindee Robinson Photography, and PLEASE Share the news of the New Release of  "Friend is a Four Letter Word".
(It is apart of a series, but can also be read as a Stand-Alone)